Рубрика: България


1500 бежанци в хотелите, настройват се срещу условията

Автор: news.bg Източник: БГНЕС 2500 бежанци са настанени в хотелите ни, от тях са останали 1500, близо...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Ембаргото върху руския петрол договорено?

Автор: news.bg Източник: iStock Условията на поредния шести пакет санкции на ЕС спрямо Русия са...

Тодор Тодоров(1)

Криминалният психолог Тодор Тодоров: Настоящите управници не спечелиха доверието на хората, а надеждите им

  По-разнебитена и демотивирана системата на МВР не е била, категоричен е дългогодишният...


Във Враца започват Ботевите дни

Автор: Ива Антонова – кор. на БНР във Враца Репортаж на Ива Антонова С церемония по...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Теменужка Петкова сложи Х на кабинета в енергетиката

Автор: Симеон Янев Източник: БГНЕС Хиксът е за вашето управление на промяната, за която...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

АИКБ: Искаме газ на най-добрата цена, произходът няма значение

Автор: news.bg Източник: БГНЕС FACEBOOK TWITTER LinkedIn 8 2 Европа се снабдява с руски газ на 40% от своето...

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Каримански: Компромисите се изчерпват, коалиционното споразумение не се спазва

Автор: news.bg Източник: БГНЕС Антикризисните мерки би трябвало да са съобразени с...

111 (1)

Отличиха 7 от най-талантливи деца и младежи на България

  За дванадесета поредна година, Фондация „Шанс за децата и природата на България“ обяви...

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Цветан Цветанов:Слабата политическа мощ, която наблюдаваме, не дава хоризонт за страната ни

Слабата политическа мощ, която наблюдаваме, не дава хоризонт за страната ни. Това каза...

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Бизнес и държава се разбрали, протестът се отлага неопределено

Автор: Диляна Панайотова Бизнес, синдикати и държава се разбраха. Това стана ясно след...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Кирил Петков под кръстосан обстрел след реплика за „Руски поток“

Автор: Диляна Панайотова Източник: БГНЕС Премиерът Кирил Петков дойде в пленарна зала със...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

„Лукойл Нефтохим Бургас“ ще спре работа без руски петрол

Ако спре вносът на руски петрол в България, единствената нефтена рафинерия у нас „Лукойл...

12 (13)

Бесни превозвачите напуснаха срещата си с Кирил Петков

Автор: Иван Гергов Източник: БГНЕС Представителите на транспортния бранш напуснаха гневни...


Стартира информационна кампания „Преоткрий Русе – градът на първите неща“

Поредица от осезаеми промени и дейности за местните общности, постигнати в Русе, са...


Руски вирус сринал пощата – реанимират системата

Автор: Иван Гергов Източник: БГНЕС FACEBOOK TWITTER LinkedIn 6 6 Изпълнителният директор и цялото...

DASHAVA, UKRAINE - SEPTEMBER 18:  A hand wheel is seen fixed to valve at the Dashava natural gas facility on September 18, 2014 in Dashava, Ukraine. The Dashava facility, which is both an underground storage site for natural gas and an important transit station along the natural gas pipelines linking Russia, Ukraine and eastern and western Europe, is operated by Ukrtransgaz, a subsidiary of Ukrainian energy company NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Ukraine recently began importing natural gas from Slovakia through Dashava as Ukraine struggles to cope with cuts in gas deliveries by Gazprom of Russia. As Russia has cut supplies many countries in Europe that rely heavily on Russian gas fear that Russia will increasingly use gas delivery cuts as a political weapon to counter European economic sanctions arising from Russian involvement in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian armed forces in eastern Ukraine.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Няма нито едно наше нарушение по договора с „Газпром“ и имаме документи за това

Автор: news.bg Източник: БГНЕС „Булгаргаз“ няма нито едно нарушение по договора за...

храм ресвета огоридшца, Пампорово(1)

Туристически маршрути:ШИРОКА ЛЪКА

      Инж. Георги Петрушев               Родопите е една  от най- големите...


НАП хвана над 50 заведения в зимните ни курорти, че не издават касови бележки

Автор: news.bg Източник: БГНЕС Инспекторите на НАП установиха множество нарушения в заведения,...

Notification concept, useful image for newsletter and email marketing topics

„СТОП Реклама“ – ако не искате пощенската ви кутия да прелива

Автор: news.bg През месец април бе отбелязана седмицата на гората в България. Стартира нов...

1-2 (19)

НС гласува „пълна деполитизация“ в образованието

Автор: Антония Чорева Източник: БГНЕС Депутатите приеха промени в Закона за предучилищното...